Ryder Scott,
Office Supervisor - HBG West (Arizona)
Ryder is a 5-year-old American Staffordshire Terrier / Boxer mix. He was rescued from a bad situation in Georgia as a puppy, but found a loving home in the Northern Suburbs of Chicago.
Soon after his adoption Ryder started coming to work with Mom (Denise) and learned early on that work is the best place to be during the day. He loves checking on jobsites (going for car rides), picking up materials at Home Depot, getting pets from his co-workers, and patrolling the perimeter of the office looking for threats. Ryder helped open the Arizona branch in January, 2022. When Ryder isn’t working, he loves to sunbathe, play fetch at the dog park, eat, and snuggle his humans. He truly is a good ol’ Southern boy at heart.

Bayliss Scott,
Security - HBG West (Arizona)
Bayliss is a 9-month-old American Staffordshire Terrier / Chihuahua mix. He was born in a shelter in Arizona as the happiest little puppy and was the staff favorite.
Bayliss just recently started coming to work with Mom (Denise) and big brother Ryder but learned his role at the office very fast. He never misses a chance to alert us of the strange lizard that wanders by or when the mail lady is here. Bayliss loves to give tons of kisses, sleep, meet new friends, and be attached to his older brother’s side. Bayliss is a sweetheart but is still working on his manners (Mom blames the Chihuahua side for that). He is a good boy in-training.